Find out why is this game designed for you!
This workshop is ideal for anyone who is curious and wants to learn about the digital ecosystem and how you can use it to reach your goals.
If you like boardgame and want to know how online marketing works you have to come to the workshop.
The workshop is organised in 2 sessions with 2 different groups. In both sessions you will get to clarify the concepts and metaphors used in the workshop and then play for 2 hours.
The game is played within a team of 2 players against other teams of 2 team members. All teams will represent an online shop either in fashion or home and deco. They will have assigned a budget and the objective to grow their business.
One team member will be responsible for the bidding process and attracting traffic to the website and the second to analyzing results and monitoring them.
You will know HOW TO:
- Use promotional channels like Youtube, Facebook, Google, Google Display Network work in your favour no matter their complexity
- Monitor your results and what are the real situations you may encounter
- Plan your strategy of growing your online shop
You will be ABLE TO:
- Understand the expectations from this environment, starting from the most common roles found in a digital world
- Learn together with your partner how to build your online shop
- Plan a strategy of growing the business that can be applied in real life as well
- Analyse the results and compare them with real life situations
Pre-register to the workshop
And be the first one notified when you can join us to play and learn
In a nutshell, the workshop contains:
- Clarification of the concepts and metaphors used in the workshop – Our goal is make you understand the concepts and metaphors used in the game as best as possible, which is why during this time you will become familiar with the rules of the game so that you can start your own potential winner.
- Playing part – Our goal is to help you understand how you use the entire digital ecosystem.
To give yourself the chance to learn how online channels like: YouTube, Google Display Network, Google Search, Facebook work and how you can use them in order to achieve your goals.
People who are not interested in media buying and don’t want to learn about how buying algorithms work. People who don’t want / don’t have an online shop. People who don’t want to know how to create a strategy of growing a business online.
The standard price for one session is 59 €. If you are a student and can prove that, then you can join the workshop only by paying 29 €. Also there is an option to apply for the lottery to get a sponsored seat by WebDigital and its partner.
- The game creation – 200h of work + 15 years of Ionuț’s experience in digital marketing
Pre-register to the workshop
Be the first one who is notified about the place and hours of the event