I’ve worked with Ionuț MUNTEANU, since 2009, on various occasions:
– I was a client of his;
– He was a client of mine;
– We worked together on various projects.
I will give you top 5 reasons for which I appreciate Ionuț MUNTEANU:
1. He is SO great with people; small talk, important things, funny things, very serious things – he is good with understanding & expressing emotions;
2. He puts a lot of passion in his work, he seems to have an almost infinite amount of energy;
3. He has good skills with Internet marketing, a lot of experience both in agencies and running his own company; very good managing skills;
4. He is very dependable; if he says he’ll do something, you can count on his word;
5. We worked great together in organizing “Lumea SEO PPC” event, from promoting the event, to organizing some meetings it, and, all-in-all, to getting things done whenever needed; more details about the event on: http://lumeaseoppc.ro/