26 Nov

We played Clickplanners at ClujHub

I am a fan of people, their evolution and transformation.

From the desire to help the team grow, to improve, we have come to the conclusion that we need more methods by which we can support the learning process.

We were also inspired by international examples, such as Robert Kiyosaki’s game on the flow of money.

From the energy that the boardgame generates around the table, the idea of ​​building its own game learning support for the first steps in digital marketing was born.

Starting from the idea of ​​raising awareness of the need to make the learning process easier, together with the WebDigital team, we built Clickplanners.

We have seen that there are also games around us that assist in discovery and introspection, communication and understanding, such as “Inside Hero” on the Romanian market or the well-known “The Leadership Game” by John Maxwell.

The first version of Clickplanners was played in August 2017 at the Summer School – GPeC, where I had a difficult experience. It was complicated to handle so many people who had many questions, especially since the game lacked some essential components.

I treated this challenge as an opportunity and people felt it. We received supportive feedback from Raluca and Andrei Radu, the organizers of Gpec, from Valentin Radu, CEO – Omniconvert and from the audience.

Horia Neagu’s words found their shape in reality immediately, which, besides the details, said that a boardgame must have a “board”. And I accepted instantly.

We went back to the office and together with Andrei Stan, the most passionate boardgame colleague, we went to work.

I then tested the new version of the game with the WebDigital team and its friends and noticed that the participants were more sad than happy after playing Clickplanners.

This was because they were losing, the scenarios were discouraging, it was frustrating to promote online in this way.

We had to get it out of the way, we changed some cards with scenarios, others remained, we added many more to make sure each participant has chances for more positive experiences.

This change was implemented when we were invited to SNSPA with 38 students in the classroom. It was a successful evening, I didn’t even notice when it was 9:30 pm, when I was practically kicked out by the administrative staff.

We were then invited to SNSPA to organize this workshop almost regularly. I divided it into two, a part where we talked about metaphors and theory and the second, when we actually played and acquired our knowledge.

Then we realized that it can be played by anyone eager to understand the part of online promotion.

At the next internally organized workshop, which I supported with Leroy Merlin’s team, I personalized the boardgame by adding 50 new scenarios and new online stores in the “Home & deco” area.

November 21, 2019 was about digital passionate people from Cluj. We had the opportunity to meet 50 students interested in learning about online promotion through channels such as: YouTube, Facebook, Google Search and Google Display.

So far 445 people have played Clickplanners and learned through the game!

Thank you WebDigital for the 5 sites sponsored at the event and for the support provided, and here you can see the lucky winners. The participants had a positive energy day and clarified their notions regarding online promotion.

Here you can find more photos from the event.

Follow my facebook page so you can participate in events planned for 2020.

Cu o experiență de peste 15 ani şi peste 20,000 ore de lucru în Digital Marketing, 4 companii înființate și active în piața, m-am străduit constant să construiesc sisteme care să ajute oamenii să-şi valorifice pasiunea. În tot acest timp, am ajutat mai mult de 500 companii să îşi crească cifra de afaceri şi clientela. Am mentorat și contribuit la dezvoltarea a peste 50 de profesionişti, îndrumându-i în cariera lor în Digital Marketing pe care au ales-o. Am fondat agenția de performance media, WebDigital și am fondat și lansat solutia SaaS Reefkig. Sunt membru în consiliul director IAB Romania și în consiliul director CEE Digital Alliance. Îmi doresc să asist în dezvoltarea competențelor în piața de digital marketing din România, atât pe specialiști, cât și pe antreprenori.

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