Really glad that I attended an event with Ionuț. Natural, explicit, to anyone’s understanding and very open to dialogue. Congratulations, I recommend!

A very good speaker, I participated in an event held by Ionuț on Blockchain and the explanations were offered to everyone’s understanding! Congratulations and thank you!

Ionuț is a very involved and energetic trainer. It is particularly noted for its sense of humour and clarity with which it explains the concepts it uses at a professional level. I appreciated his enthusiasm in interacting with the students from the Social Media and Online Marketing master’s degree. He is open-minded and patient, making sure that those present at the training were familiar with the elements of PPC marketing and that they could use them correctly in the future.
I wish him much success in all future projects :).

I have met Ionuț at WebDigital and he helped me to learn how to work in a team. He is an expert in what he is doing and I have always appreciated his way of doing things and teaching people develop themselves.

I have worked with Ionuț as his assistant manager. He is like a very open-minded person. He helped me to be more confident, to realize how to learn from mistakes and have the courage to express myself.
This was a really cool experience and I would advise anyone who is at the beginning of their professional life to get in touch with him through his training programs. I am more than sure that he will bring to the table the best he can.

I have met Ionuț at WebDigital agency. He has a special way to teach people to get more confident. At the beginning I used to be a very closed person, and when he was giving me feedback I closed myself even harder. Afterwards I realized, also with his help, that the problem was actually in me and not in his way of teaching. I have learned from him that it is ok to make mistakes and there is always space for learning.
He helped me understand what does it mean to be disciplined. I became more curious person, being inspired by his curious nature. Ionuț has a special style to transfer his knowledge to others. He works a lot, he is ambitious and I appreciate him a lot!

If you are in a digital marketing field then I think Ionuț is the right person who can help you. I come from the IT world, but even though we come from different fields of activity, we can understand each other and collaborate effectively.

My professional life started at WebDigital where I met Ionuț. He helped me to become more confident and I really appreciate that he is always learning and looking for new things to apply.
He has a vision in business and has the courage to implement new ideas. I am saying it because he had the courage to change the entire agency workflow and also give Monday off. People like Ionuț inspire a lot those who are around to get out of their comfort zone.

Ionuț helped me to develop myself on personal and professional sides. He taught me to want more and his kind of tough love helped me to see the importance of constructive feedback and how I can improve myself.

Ionuț is very good at combining words which are not really understood by everyone and making a structured presentation. His training helped me to refresh my knowledge and find out about new changes in digital.